Monday, October 24, 2011

Are You Open To Business?

While walking around High Point Furniture Market exploring all of the buildings of design, I noticed this space. . .

While many spaces are open and encouraging visitors to step inside - this particular set up struck me and made me wonder if they really wanted the traffic.

One if the two narrow openings were blocked by a salesperson sitting at a table chatting with another person and a full trash can was front and center and distracted from the amazing items they had.

I stopped and peered inside, loving what I saw, but sadly I did not go in (I had goodie bags that would not allow comfortable navigation of their space).

This experience made me think of what I may have that could be blocking my business entrance.

As we all grow and change, both personally and professionally, sometimes it's the simplest of actions that can make all the difference in our success.

Now, if you'll excuse me - I need to clear a path and take out the trash.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. The same can be said at expos and trade shows when the company representatives are sitting BEHIND a table. Nothing says "don't talk to us" like that barrier which is both mental and physical at the same time. People aren't going to willingly ask what you do.. you need to be front and center at all times and tell them your story. It's that crazy word called engagement and it needs to be done on line and in person.

  2. So true Kristen! It's little lessons like this that jump out and (if we're listening) help course correct the little things we may not see that are keeping us from our true potential!
